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WABI SABI - the beauty of imperfection even in your home

Our visual culture is primarily based on symmetries, because we have been taught that this is how we achieve visual harmony. But is this really the case?

In Japanese culture, on the other hand, imperfection is a fundamental component of beauty: beauty and harmony always contain imperfection and therefore are appreciated even in things that many would consider insignificant, just as they are celebrated in the absolute and impermanent beauty of nature.

An example of this is the famous cherry blossom, where the splendor of the blossoming blossoms gives a spectacular fairy-tale landscape destined, however, to last a very short time. And it is precisely this transience that becomes a metaphor for life, for the impermanent beauty that originates in birth, lingers in existence and decays in fading.

This vision of beauty is Wabi Sabi: a cardinal principle of Japanese aesthetics that celebrates simplicity, imperfection, and incompleteness.

Wabi Sabi is the ability to see beauty where many would not find it, and to eliminate all that is superfluous, nonessential, from one's life.

That is why, in the ancient kintsugi technique, one of the highest artistic expressions of wabi-sabi, broken ceramic vessels are skillfully reassembled with gold: they represent, embody the concept of beauty as imperfection and tell how scars, thus imperfections, can become something precious.

In a world that chases excellence and perfection at any cost, wabi-sabi encourages us to accept the transient nature of everything, to focus on what really matters, to appreciate simplicity, essentiality, and the extreme synthesis of every form.

It is from this line of gaze that we suggest starting to implement some small gestures that can help bring well-being into one's life through the instrument of one's home!

The environments in which we live are often staged following the fashions of the moment: we emulate the perfect style of home that is proposed to us by magazines or big brands rather than thinking about a home that really tells about us.

Many rooms are furnished with furniture that re-proposes what we saw in the store: perfect and rigorous geometries, furniture that embodies the minimal style proposed in recent years.

But is this apparent perfection really us? Does the house we inhabit, as we have furnished it, really represent us?

Here are some simple steps to bring wellness into your life through the tool of your home:

  1. Bring into your home some materials you find in nature: some stones for example, some rounded river pebbles, or some tree branches, not too small, of those found by the sea or in the woods. Organic forms resonate with us and their softness enriches the rigid regularity of our spaces.

  2. If the images you have on your walls are digital prints, posters and so on, get yourself a painted canvas-the cheapest you want, what matters is that it has a textured look. You could also try your hand, with a few tubes of paint, 2 brushes and 1 canvas, at expressing something. The goal is not to make art but to bring the reassuring flavor of human imperfection into your home.

  3. If you have a ceramic vase or centerpiece that you no longer like, instead of throwing it away break it gently, and then reassemble it by gluing the pieces together. Pour a colored glaze or colored wax into the fractures that have formed. You will be able to experience the beauty that is reborn from imperfection, even that of scars.

  4. If you don't have any, bring a plant into the house. Not the typical "houseplant" rather a tree. Yes, a tree indeed! Choose it the right size for your space, without fear: it is perfectly fine if it reaches 2 meters or even 2.50 meters. It will be a wonderful presence capable of keeping you in touch with the spirit of nature.

  5. Choose a few photos from the many shots you will have taken, choose a few images that are valuable to you and take them to print. Choose large and different sizes, for example 20 x 30 cm, 50 x 50 cm, 40 x 60 cm. Then choose the space of a wall, in the part of the House that can accommodate you best, and hang them. They will soften the space and give you new visions.

These 5 small tips will help you take the first steps in cultivating a more authentic relationship with your home.

By going just beyond the conventions proposed by the market, you will bring to your home the imperfection that is a fundamental component of true beauty

You will experience that "making friends" with the spaces you inhabit will invite harmony and well-being into your life as well!



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